SINCE 1906.
We have been professional photographers since 1906. For over a century we have handed down, from generation to generation, techniques, experimentation, knowledge, passion and the continuous search for uncompromising quality .
This is the distinctive trait that has identified us for more than a hundred years in Italy and abroad: we are image professionals in the continuous search for excellence.
Because our best work is what we haven't done yet.
Tommasoli Archive preserves the images of four generations of photographers, the result of an artistic activity developed in Verona from 1906 to the present day. The collection returns the experimentation and artistic research of the authors, as well as a testimony of the historical, artistic and cultural context in which the artists worked.
Archivio Tommasoli administers the archive, intellectual property, the legacy of the artists, the historical heritage and promotes activities to enhance the photographic culture and its archive, to spread the culture of the image and the history of photography by involving the public in understanding of photographic language, of its techniques and expressive resources.
From image to frame: Tommasoli Visual Factory is a creative company specialized in video storytelling and enhancement of the heritage of companies and the territory.
With a view to fine tailoring, Visual Factory deals with the production of videos, documentaries, movies and commercials.
Creative direction, writing, production, filming, editing and post production are the elements of professionalism of this company.
Thanks to the transversal knowledge in the artistic, philosophical, literary, anthropological, social and communicative fields, the productions reflect with quality and care the needs of partners and customers.
Tommasoli Visual Factory won a POR-FESR grant in 2017 as an innovative company of particular cultural value.
Photographing does not just mean telling the world, but building it.
For us, photography is a tool with which to interpret the present and imagine the future .
Photography for us is an evolving language. We capture in an instant a dimension made of light, meanings, people and sensations that we wisely transform into a narrative tool.
With the utmost craftsmanship, technical knowledge and the use of refined technologies and tools, we create photographic works, reportages, videos, exhibitions, portraits, movies, documentaries, prints, editorial projects and exhibitions in different areas of application.
In over a century of experience we have worked and experimented with heterogeneous photographic techniques and styles, giving us today the opportunity to bring our value to different and multifaceted people, environments and realities.
SINCE 1906.
We have been professional photographers since 1906. For over a century we have handed down, from generation to generation, techniques, experimentation, knowledge, passion and the continuous search for uncompromising quality .
This is the distinctive trait that has identified us for more than a hundred years in Italy and abroad: we are image professionals in the continuous search for excellence.
Because our best work is what we haven't done yet.
Photographing does not just mean telling the world, but building it.
For us, photography is a tool with which to interpret the present and imagine the future .
Photography for us is an evolving language. We capture in an instant a dimension made of light, meanings, people and sensations that we wisely transform into a narrative tool.
With the utmost craftsmanship, technical knowledge and the use of refined technologies and tools, we create photographic works, reportages, videos, exhibitions, portraits, movies, documentaries, prints, editorial projects and exhibitions in different areas of application.
In over a century of experience we have worked and experimented with heterogeneous photographic techniques and styles, giving us today the opportunity to bring our value to different and multifaceted people, environments and realities.
Tommasoli Archive preserves the images of four generations of photographers, the result of an artistic activity developed in Verona from 1906 to the present day. The collection returns the experimentation and artistic research of the authors, as well as a testimony of the historical, artistic and cultural context in which the artists worked.
Archivio Tommasoli administers the archive, intellectual property, the legacy of the artists, the historical heritage and promotes activities to enhance the photographic culture and its archive, to spread the culture of the image and the history of photography by involving the public in understanding of photographic language, of its techniques and expressive resources.
From image to frame: Tommasoli Visual Factory is a creative company specialized in video storytelling and enhancement of the heritage of companies and the territory.
With a view to fine tailoring, Visual Factory deals with the production of videos, documentaries, movies and commercials.
Creative direction, writing, production, filming, editing and post production are the elements of professionalism of this company.
Thanks to the transversal knowledge in the artistic, philosophical, literary, anthropological, social and communicative fields, the productions reflect with quality and care the needs of partners and customers.
Tommasoli Visual Factory won a POR-FESR grant in 2017 as an innovative company of particular cultural value.
Silvio Tommasoli fonda lo Studio d'Arte Tommasoli a Verona, in via XX Settembre, che si occupa di fotografia, pittura e calligrafia. È uno dei primi studi della città a utilizzare luci alimentate a corrente elettrica.
Silvio Tommasoli founded the Tommasoli Art Studio in Verona's Via XX Settembre, focusing on photography, painting and calligraphy. It is one of the first studios in the city to use lights powered by electricity.
Lo Studio fotografico si ingrandisce e si trasferisce nella sede di via S. Nicolò, dove rimarrà per i successivi 90 anni, diventandone la sede più iconica.
The Photographic Studio expanded and moved to its headquarters on St. Nicholas Street, where it would remain for the next 90 years, becoming its most iconic location.
Silvio viene chiamato come esperto nell'ambito del processo Bruneri-Canella, per il quale esegue una perizia calligrafica e fisiognomica.
Silvio is commissioned as an expert within the Bruneri-Canella trial, for which he performs a calligraphic and physiognomic expertise.
Silvio, non avendo aderito al PNF, si ritira dall’attività professionale, lasciando lo studio ai figli Filippo e Fausto.
Silvio, having not joined the PNF, retired from professional activity, leaving the firm to his sons Filippo and Fausto.
Lo Studio conosce una grande espansione e apre una seconda sede a Roma, iniziando una stretta collaborazione con la Metro Goldwyn Mayer.
The Studio experienced a major expansion and opened a second office in Rome, beginning a close collaboration with Metro Goldwyn Mayer.
Sirio Tommasoli, terza generazione, entra nello Studio.
Sirio Tommasoli, third generation, joins the firm.
Viene organizzata e allestita la prima mostra dell’Archivio Tommasoli, presso la sede istituzionale della Cassa di Risparmio di Verona.
The first exhibition of the Tommasoli Archives is organized and set up at the institutional headquarters of the Cassa di Risparmio di Verona.
Alessandra, allieva all’Accademia di Belle Arti e poi moglie di Sirio, entra nello Studio.
Alessandra, a student at the Academy of Fine Arts and later Sirius' wife, joins the Studio.
Viene organizzata e allestita una grande mostra storica dell’Archivio Tommasoli presso il SICOF di Milano.
a major historical exhibition of the Tommasoli Archives is organized and staged at SICOF in Milan.
Nascono le Edizioni Tommasoli. Da questa data fino ad oggi, vengono pubblicati più di 20 volumi fotografici di pregio, con più di 35.000 copie distribuite in Italie e all’estero.
Tommasoli Editions is born. From this date to the present, more than 20 fine photographic volumes are published, with more than 35,000 copies distributed in Italie and abroad.
Sirio e Alessandra pubblicano 9 edizioni di alto pregio di cartelle numerate su Verona e il Lago di Garda. Le fotografie dello Studio vengono stampate da Martino Mardesteig, della leggendaria Stamperia Valdonega.
Sirio and Alessandra publish 9 high-value editions of numbered folders on Verona and Lake Garda. Studio photographs are printed by Martino Mardesteig of the legendary Stamperia Valdonega.
Viene organizzata e allestita una grande mostra antologica dello Studio Tommasoli, presso il Centro Internazionale di Fotografia degli Scavi Scaligeri (Verona). La mostra viene poi invitata, l’anno successivo, alla Photobiennale di Mosca dalla curatrice Ol'ga Sviblova, unici ospiti italiani insieme a Fontana e Giacomelli.
A major anthological exhibition of Studio Tommasoli's work is organized and staged at the Scavi Scaligeri International Center of Photography (Verona). The exhibition is then invited the following year to the Moscow Photobiennial by curator Ol'ga Sviblova, the only Italian guests along with Fontana and Giacomelli.
Lo Studio Tommasoli viene incaricato da Valentina Matvienko, allora sindaco di S. Pietroburgo, di creare un reportage straordinario sulla città, in occasione del suo compleanno. Il lavoro viene pubblicato in un libro fotografico Deluxe, stampato in Fine Art da Sirio e rilegato a mano, tirato in sole dieci copie numerate.
Studio Tommasoli is commissioned by Valentina Matvienko, then mayor of St. Petersburg, to create an extraordinary report on the city on the occasion of her birthday. The work is published in a Deluxe photo book, printed in Fine Art by Sirio and hand-bound, printed in only ten numbered copies.
Filippo, quarta generazione, entra nello Studio e fonda, parallelamente, la Tommasoli Visual Factory, azienda innovativa che si occupa di visual storytelling, cinema e Heritage d’impresa e territorio.
Filippo, the fourth generation, joined the firm and, in parallel, founded the Tommasoli Visual Factory, an innovative company that focuses on visual storytelling, cinema and Heritage of business and territory.
Il Ministero dei Beni e Attività Culturali, con provvedimento ufficiale, ha dichiarato che Archivio Tommasoli è di interesse storico particolarmente importante per la qualità tecnica e artistica delle immagini conservate.
The Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, by official order, declared that Tommasoli Archive is of particularly important historical interest because of the technical and artistic quality of the images preserved.
SINCE 1906.
We have been professional photographers since 1906. For over a century we have handed down, from generation to generation, techniques, experimentation, knowledge, passion and the continuous search for uncompromising quality .
This is the distinctive trait that has identified us for more than a hundred years in Italy and abroad: we are image professionals in the continuous search for excellence.
Because our best work is what we haven't done yet.
Photographing does not just mean telling the world, but building it.
For us, photography is a tool with which to interpret the present and imagine the future .
Photography for us is an evolving language. We capture in an instant a dimension made of light, meanings, people and sensations that we wisely transform into a narrative tool.
With the utmost craftsmanship, technical knowledge and the use of refined technologies and tools, we create photographic works, reportages, videos, exhibitions, portraits, movies, documentaries, prints, editorial projects and exhibitions in different areas of application.
In over a century of experience we have worked and experimented with heterogeneous photographic techniques and styles, giving us today the opportunity to bring our value to different and multifaceted people, environments and realities.
Tommasoli Archive preserves the images of four generations of photographers, the result of an artistic activity developed in Verona from 1906 to the present day. The collection returns the experimentation and artistic research of the authors, as well as a testimony of the historical, artistic and cultural context in which the artists worked.
Archivio Tommasoli administers the archive, intellectual property, the legacy of the artists, the historical heritage and promotes activities to enhance the photographic culture and its archive, to spread the culture of the image and the history of photography by involving the public in understanding of photographic language, of its techniques and expressive resources.
From image to frame: Tommasoli Visual Factory is a creative company specialized in video storytelling and enhancement of the heritage of companies and the territory.
With a view to fine tailoring, Visual Factory deals with the production of videos, documentaries, movies and commercials.
Creative direction, writing, production, filming, editing and post production are the elements of professionalism of this company.
Thanks to the transversal knowledge in the artistic, philosophical, literary, anthropological, social and communicative fields, the productions reflect with quality and care the needs of partners and customers.
Tommasoli Visual Factory won a POR-FESR grant in 2017 as an innovative company of particular cultural value.